Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Things I will miss:
1. my co-workers
2. my students
3. the English clubs
4. wearing flip-flops at the office
5. the UNIB jungle campus
6. monkeys swinging in the trees outside my classroom window
7. Papaya, papaya everywhere!

Things I will not miss:
1. Smell of fresh rubber and chicken poo wafting on the early morning breeze
2. The guys at the carwash yelling “Hey Mister” in my face on the walk to work
3. Intestinal amoebas
4. Wild and crazy parties every weekend
5. Distortion from the Mosque loudspeaker gently rousing me from sleep at 4:30 a.m.
6. Fresh dusting of gecko poo on my kitchen counter every morning
7. Personal garbage dump conveniently located behind my house