Saturday, February 10, 2007

Where the hell have I been??

For the last month or so, I have been dedicating myself to snowboarding every weekend. My location in Japan makes this a prime spot for winter sports due to the fact that it's very close to the best ski resorts in Japan. I live near the "Japanese Alps" (while some may scoff at the idea of "Japanese Alps", I think it's a pretty appropriate description). There are a few ski resorts here in Ishikawa and there are also some great places in Niigata and Nagano, which are about 2 hours north. We just hop on a bus (usually at some ungodly hour...last weekend we had to be on the bus at 6 a.m.!) and go snowboarding for the day, then unwind after a hard day of boarding at a hot spring.

Since my snowboarding career started only very recently, I am still quite the novice. Usually I just try to stay standing and plow down the mountain any way I can. The more times I go, though, the more I notice that my technique isn't quite as pretty as everyone else's on the mountain. So last weekend, with the help from my friend Alice, I started to work on my skills. I spent most of the day on my ass and I am almost certain that I broke my tailbone (or at least severely bruised it). I also was unable to turn my head or bend my neck for several days afterward...I was doing my own abbreviated version of "the robot" all week in class...

I am sure people are highly entertained watching me and my friends snowboard. As with most activities in Japan, whenever a large group of us go out together it enevitably brings looks of confusion, astonishment, and intense curiosity. Last weekend, as I was falling face first into a huge bank of snow, a kid flew past on his snowboard and screamed "I love sex!" as he passed me. His friend flew by and yelled "me too!" And people say all the money Japan invests into English language education isn't paying off....


Jeronimo Nisa said...

Of course, with all that fun every weekend you don't have time to update your blog. I now understand everything!

Nice place those Japanese Alps...

katie said...
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Anonymous said...

It fills me with joy to know you've discovered the exhilirating sport of snowboarding. It's my v. favorite athletic activity. I'm so excited about future boarding trips to Tahoe and Mammoth. You, me, Vince, Craig (who would cruise past yelling, "It's like we're floating on charlie, right? ")