Thursday, July 20, 2006

Biya Gahden

Last Friday my friends and I were invited to go to a beer garden. We were all interviewed for a local college radio program that features foreigners that live in the area. In appreciation the host of the show, Roy, had the party for us (that's him in the center). As is typical of most drinking parties here, there was waaaay too much food. We also had the party on what I swear was the hottest and most humid night of the year. Yes, there's nothing like sitting outside dripping with sweat as you try to eat your weight it little appetizers. However the cold beer kept things tolerable... After we finished at the beer garden, we decided to do a little karaoke. One of the women who volunteers at the radio station with Roy informed us that he was a Japanese pop star in the 60's! Apparently Roy was in a "boy band" and was quite the heartthrob in his day! As a special treat, Roy sang one of his biggest hits for us at the karaoke place. I closed the evening of beer and karaoke by singing a (pathetic) rendition of "Afternoon Delight" by the Starlight Vocal Band. I thought it would be an amusing crowd-pleaser...but I was wrong. I guess without the irony it's not as funny. Lesson learned for the future...

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