Friday, July 28, 2006


So it's natsu yasumi around here (that's "summer vacation" for all you monolinguals out there) and where I come from, summer vacation from school means 2 and 1/2 months of complete hibernation of all critical thinking and intelligent thoughts. In Japan, on the other hand, it seems that it's businsess as usual even during summer vacations. Teachers as well as students still come to school every day. Granted the atmosphere is much more relaxed and there are no classes, but the mere fact that we are required to come to school at all is almost too much for my educated-within-the-American-school-system brain to comprehend. Just yesterday there was quite the upheaval in the staffroom because of the behavior of one of the students and his small act of summer vacation-induced rebellion. The student was brought into the staffroom, where he was promptly surrounded by at least 5 or 6 teachers (during the course of this episode, at least 3 other teachers came in to join the fun) and yelled at in turn by all of them. Seeing how this was the most exciting part of my day, I listened intently for an clue as to what henious crime this student had committed. Since I couldn't really understand anything being said, I had to rely on my powers of deduction. After about 30 minutes of yelling and interrogation, I was convinced that the student had either stolen something, vandalized something, gotten drunk after raiding mom and dad's liquor cabinet, or maybe all three. From my jr. high and high school experiences, these seemed the most logical assumptions about what would warrant this type of ass-chewing. After all the teachers had thoroughly exhausted themselves from yelling, the student was sent out of the staffroom. I then asked one of the Japanese English teachers that I work with what had happened. In the end, all of my theories were completely wrong. The real crime? The student showed up to school without wearing his school uniform and attempted to eat an ice cream cone inside one of the classrooms (the contriband cone is still being held inside the evidence locker AKA the staffroom freezer) While not the outrageous display of teenage rebellion I had imagined, I guess for a Japanese jr. high school student, it's pretty ballsy behavior. He might just be my new favorite student...

Anyway, what does any of this have to do with the title of my post? Well, since I have been sitting here all week with nothing to do except sweat profusely, google chat, and search for things on the internet, I have found all sorts of interesting things to keep me busy. So today I spent a good 15 to 20 minutes on the website creating my new "pimp" name. I highly recommend this site....and here, in no particular order, are some of the highlights:

Bamboo Chute Katie Flowin' (I thought this one appropriate given my current location)

Tricky Mc Clintic Sweetness

Whiskey Lips Mc Clintic Super Suede

Fine Ass Mc Clintic W. Bushmaster

Uncle Katie White Chocolate

Super Suede Mary Stud

Warts K. G-Man

Skillz Katie Tricky

Maestro K. Snake Eyes

Homeboy Mc Clintic Devious

Vicious Mary Macktastic

Kicks K. Loco

Macktastic Katie Superfly

Short Katie Rothstein

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